Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Science Pioneer and his dilemma.

Bakar Mansary (Canada) said :

Thank you so much for sharing your ideas with us. They are very inspiring especially for people in industrializing societies and those that are yet to industrialize, like Africa. Lee Kum Tatt has said it all. Keep up the good work.

My reply.

Thank you for your comments. I am delighted you found some of my views useful. If we in Singapore can do it, others too can also do the same, given the common political, social and individuals’ will to work together for a common good.

C.Goh said:

Thanks for sharing your views with us. I hope this philosophy and stance would be included in the science curriculum as the underlying universal principle of truth and ethics.

There is some concern that many students who specialized in science at A levels applied really with the intention to study medicine and other professional courses for better pay, and or prestige and not for the love of science itself.. This may create a talent crunch for our science and technology programmes to progress. To produce good scientists we need passionate and dedicated people. How do we encourage more people to study science for science sake?

My reply:

Thank you for your comments. Science is a difficult subject not many take to when they are young. Science should be taught more for the “spirit of science” than to turn everyone into a potential Nobel Prize winner. The spirit of science is to develop in us the longing to know, to understand and demand for objective verification. This will help us review many things which we normally take for granted without questions and then complain.

Science is a challenging and exciting profession for those who can find the beauty in it. How do we find that beauty in science? There is no difference in our finding the beauty in the spouse we marry. This will take a little time and effort but we can do it if we really want to.

The younger generation does not have to fight for their survival like some of us did. They put more emphasis on making money first so that they can have a good quality of life and a sense of security in their profession or career. When these are accomplished many will like to do what they love. We may not produce Nobel Prize winners but we can still produce scientists who can do good thing for our country and others if not for Science itself. Together they can make a difference to us all. We must create the opportunities which we lack in the past for everyone to do his best. That is important.

A science graduate has many openings for jobs which the established professionals i.e. medicine or dentistry, would not take. These include banking, business, industries and management besides many other professional specialties where people with a scientific, technological or technical background would be at an advantage. There are many of these jobs around. Our people themselves must be wise enough to know what they want and what to do.

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