Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Classification of Research Activities

It is prestigious to be a research worker. Ask any research worker what they are doing and you will be surprised at the replies you receive. Some will tell you the high powered activities they are doing. Others will tell you how boring and even frustrating their work is. Ask the students whether they would be interested in doing research, the general reply is “it depends on what they are expected to do and the prospects.” People are generally not clear why they are doing their research and the prospects of the jobs. Happy are those who know what they are doing.

After years of involvement in the various types of research activities I have found the following definition and classification to be useful.

1. What is “Research”

2. Can it be classified so that the importance of the results can be rated.

True research is a quest driven by a specific question or problem which needs an answer or solution. Research activities are expected to answer questions of what, why and how. The first part answers the philosophical aspect of the question “what and why” are we doing the research for? Most of the famous wise men of ancient times are philosophers. They propounded theories e.g. the atomic, germ, gravity, electricity and many others and proved these theories are correct by further observations (experimental development or science). Even the “wise men” of modern times are known as doctors of Philosophy (Ph.D.).

The second part, the scientific aspect, is the more popular part nowadays. This part answers the questions of what and how the research results can and should be used to ensure that the activities will carry on.

For the purpose of this article we will confine ourselves to the scientific aspects of the questions and problems. The scientific and technological (S & T) activities can be divided into five categories namely:

* Basic or academic research
* Strategic research
* Mission oriented research
* Applied research or trouble shooting
* Routine work involving the use of some S & T knowledge

To understand what true research means to us we must know the reasons why we are doing what we are doing. Should there be more than one reason we must know the priorities and goals we set for ourselves. It can be tough to be faced with the problem of having to make money first instead of just producing the scientific results. It will take time to convert new knowledge into money. To be able to convert knowledge into funds is a specialty by itself. People who can produce research results and produce funds at the same time are difficult to find. These technopreneurs do not need us. We need them. This is one of our problems. However people like prospects and tenure in what they do. For a good researchers to be considered an authority in his field he needs continuity. This takes time to build and this often the main passion in their lives. How are they to get the support and funds they require? Are we promoting and providing enough funds to encourage research in our society for our own good?

I will confine Research as the creation of new science and technological (S & T) knowledge which can be used to confirm hypothesis or predictions that can be tested.

What are the main reasons for doing the various types of research?

a. Basic or academic research is the pursuit of knowledge for knowledge sake without any assumptions as to what the results may lead to. This type of research is usually done in universities whose functions include the generation of knowledge to teach the future generations. Funding such research depends on government policies.

b. Strategic research is the pursuit of new knowledge which might have practical application but without a precise view of the nature of the application or its timescale. This type of research involves big and forward looking organizations and even individuals to prepare themselves for the future. Such research can be risky but also can be very rewarding.

c. Mission orientated Research is knowledge specially developed with specific objectives in mind. These types of research usually involve and are funded by industries that like to convert new knowledge into products, process or technologies for their businesses.

d. Applied research or trouble shooting is a combination of existing knowledge required to solve an immediate problem in hand or to improve methods, processes and products. This type of research may be short lived but the results can be published in many scientific journals. Such research requires real knowledge and good skills to solve. The funding usually comes from the normal budget.

e. Routine work requiring S & T knowledge.

Some do not consider this type of work as research activities. Such activities do not require “specialists” or professionals to perform under the law, but skilled people are still required. Such work can throw up a lot of problems and potential projects that need to be solved.

Singapore has invested heavily in building a knowledge based industry. We have invested a lot in manpower and infrastructure development. The success of our effort in this exercise will depend on how well we can make use of our investment to deliver what we expected it to do. We have started some good research but much more needs to be done. How to assist those interested and ensure that they will not be unnecessarily hindered will continue to be our challenge. It will help to have some knowledge of the types of research we can and should do.

Basic or academic research and Strategic research do not produce results that can generate cash immediately. People find it easier to support Mission oriented and Applied research. We must widen the visions of some people so that more research can be done.

Lee Kum Tatt

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